The following organizations are well known to me through personal experience and truly worthy of your time and resources.

/ Philanthropy



America’s Gold Star families are a national treasure who have given all there is to give, and Phil and Lisa serve them in an extraordinary way by painting portraits of their fallen military children. I met them more than 10 years ago when they were first called to serve these families, and in the many years since that time I’ve seen their devotion and love poured out in full measure to both families of the fallen and those who continue to serve. Raising funds for portraits of our fallen military members is a difficult task because our logic says we should use our funds to take care of the living and the wounded. But in my experience, it’s vital to the families, and to the health of our country, to immortalize those who have given their lives for our nation. The incredible, life-like portraits give families a beautiful, tangible, memory of their fallen sons and daughters.

American Fallen Soldiers Project

America’s Gold Star families are a national treasure who have given all there is to give, and Phil and Lisa serve them in an extraordinary way by painting portraits of their fallen military children. I met them more than 10 years ago when they were first called to serve these families, and in the many years since that time I’ve seen their devotion and love poured out in full measure to both families of the fallen and those who continue to serve. Raising funds for portraits of our fallen military members is a difficult task because our logic says we should use our funds to take care of the living and the wounded. But in my experience, it’s vital to the families, and to the health of our country, to immortalize those who have given their lives for our nation. The incredible, life-like portraits give families a beautiful, tangible, memory of their fallen sons and daughters.

Educational Media Enterprises

EME serves an important role for America and the world as a provider of educational documentary programming. In an increasingly complex 21st century world, EME focuses on complicated subjects and issues among the interconnected nations of the planet. This vital programming is purposefully produced in the non-profit environment to create conversations and foster open discussions among citizens and nations.

Gary Sinise Foundation

Actors aren’t typically known for their compassion or humanity and that’s ok – they’re entertainers – not paragons of virtue. But when you see people whose careers reward them with notoriety and fortune cut so hard against the norm to serve military families, you can’t help but notice. And so it is with Gary Sinise. He’s my kind of guy when it comes to honoring our military and their families – tireless and authentic. Over the last ten years I’ve seen his organization increasing in size and scope for a very good reason — their efforts are allowing for efficiency and growth in serving our military families. Gary leads a terrific group of people pressing hard for good.

Defenders of Freedom

This is a tough one. Donna Cranston, the founder of DOF, is an exceptional human being who dares to venture where most people are the most uncomfortable – at the bottom of the barrel. She and her small band of fighters meet military veterans at their lowest point – wherever that may be – a meal, a rent payment, an electric bill, at the hospital or at the bottom of an empty alcohol or pill bottle. Her work isn’t sexy, exotic or cool like some programs – it’s gritty, hard, and absolutely vital. In many cases DOF is the last stop for veterans who have lost their way and simply don’t know where to turn. Donna is a deeply compassionate lioness for our struggling veterans and I can’t recommend her or DOF more highly. She’s the mom who doesn’t give up, even in the hardest times.

Seven Stars Foundation

I always think of a specific Bible verse in Isaiah when I think of Joe and Laurie Landaker and their Seven Stars Foundation. In the verse God promises those mourning in Israel that “he will give them a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.” From the wreckage of Marine casualty evacuation mission call sign MORPHINE 12, which resulted in the deaths of five Marines and two Navy Corpsmen including their son LT. Jared Landaker, they have brought forth incredible beauty for ashes. The Seven Stars Foundation raises money to send hundreds of children of military members to camps across America for a week each summer. These children often have parents on long deployments with long separations, and it’s very difficult to measure the impact on their lives. Everyone agrees it’s very, very difficult for kids. When they gather together at camp with other kids like them it’s both helpful and healing. The life of Joe and Laurie’s son and his fellow crewmembers continue to have impact with their efforts and that’s an incredible legacy. I proudly volunteer for them.

Operation Care International

There may be no greater call for humanity than to take care of widows, children and the poor; homelessness encompasses these people and so many more. Operation Care International (OCI) serves a remarkable number of homeless in the United States and abroad. One of OCI’s signature events, The Birthday Party for Jesus, brings homeless people together once a year at Christmas to serve them with food, shoes, blankets, coats, medical care, toys, eye glasses, foot washing and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The return on investment (ROI) at OCI is phenomenal and you’ll be enriched by being involved with them. I’ve volunteered with OCI since 2014 and am a better human being for the experience.