/ Projects – Current

the watch

America’s Nuclear Mission Revealed

Documentary Series

A multi-episode film documentary and multi-media production, THE WATCH is the first series in television history to examine the role of the United States military mission to preserve global peace as the numbers of weapons of mass destruction are  increasing among both nation-states and terrorist groups. 

The television series and multi-media elements are in pre-production with teams engaged in extensive research, in-depth interviews, and production planning. The project is currently under the Department of Defense review and approval process.

Akicita - The Warrior

Feature Film

Many people point to Americas treatment of its Native American population as one of the darkest chapters in her storied history. Despite this violent period, the human spirit rises, even on dark and remote Indian reservations. The upcoming feature film, Akicita – The Warrior, is based on events from Lakota Sioux Native American Thomas Ross Brewer’s celebrated life of service and sacrifice. From his difficult young life on and near the notorious Pine Ridge Indian reservation, to the battlefields of Afghanistan, the film details Tom’s career as a highly decorated soldier in the U.S. Army, his service as a Senator in the Nebraska legislature, and his epic fight to preserve the culture and dignity of the American Indian Sioux Nation.

A deeply uplifting story, the ground-breaking movie reveals an incredible unknown story about an inspiring figure who has overcome enormous obstacles to serve his fellow Americans on battlefields abroad – and Native American people at home in the United States.

/ Projects – Next

War On Top of the World

Documentary Series

On top of the world, the new Cold War has never been hotter. Russian, Chinese and United States military forces are massing in the Arctic as ice melts and access to sea and land battlefields open for the first time in history. War on Top of the World will show viewers an unprecedented view of the missions, weapons, locations and people that are shaping the sharp edge of the new Cold War, one being fought in the most hostile natural environment on the planet. On snowy land, in the frigid air, on the sea and under the icepack, the television series offers literally never-before seen views of actual military warfare operations in the Arctic.  Highlights include access to submarines seeking their enemy counterparts under the ice, remote intelligence gathering bases where personnel operate surveillance equipment and dodge grizzly bears, and exclusive air-to-air filming of stealth airplanes in action.    

This groundbreaking television series will show the world the definitive view of the new, previously hidden showdown in the Arctic between Russia, China and the United States of America – the War On Top Of The World

/ Projects – Past


Documentary Television

Amazon Video

Produced by Jeff and directed by Dana Altman, America’s Marine Aviators is a rich, detailed Marine Corps story with colorful history, today’s reality and tomorrow’s high technology. The ground-breaking documentary film captures Marine aircraft, missions, pilots and crews at the tip of America’s spear around the globe. The film accelerates in a dynamic and innovative way combining extraordinary action and human elements – bringing American citizens the story of one of their most valiant but unknown combat forces. The film is available for purchase or rental on Amazon Prime Video.


Online, Print, Video Reporting

Defense News: Global Strike

With emergent nation-states joining terrorists to further complicate the global political and military landscape, Jeff is completing a year-long look in 2019 at the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) as a special contributor to the DEFENSE NEWS family of publications. DEFENSE NEWS is one of the largest and most respected independent organizations reporting on the business, technology and politics of defense. USSTRATCOM is the command responsible for all U.S. nuclear forces worldwide, and Jeff has been unprecedented, official access into the ultra-secret mission and platforms of the American defenders in the global command. In the first set of stories in the series, focused on the pilots, maintainers, and airmen supporting the B-2A “Spirit”, Jeff became the first person in the history of the stealth bomber program to officially fly, photograph, and film on the flight deck during his recent flight.

The DEFENSE NEWS series, which includes video and print interviews, original mission footage, and original photography, delves deeply into the United States military’s nuclear mission, and looks at the personnel, capabilities and command focus. The series appears in DEFENSE NEWS internet and print outlets, including Military Times, Air Force Times, Navy Times, and C4ISR.

1210 – WPHT – Philadelphia, PA

Talk Radio


It may or may not be true that Jeff’s talk radio career is an example of God’s gift to people with attention deficit disorder – no kidding. What should have been a curse for Jeff back in the day before anyone really understood ADD, instead became an enormous blessing for both him and audiences across America. It turns out that leaping rapidly from one subject to another, incredible memory and recall, and a singular ability to synthesize complex issues and subjects makes for the ideal talk show host. Jeff began his career in market #70 at 1110-KFAB in Omaha, Nebraska, moved to market #30 at 1200-WOAI in San Antonio, Texas, and broke into the prestigious “Top 10” back home in Dallas, Texas in market #5 at 570-KLIF. He’s been featured on The Rush Limbaugh Program, The Sean Hannity Show, and guest hosted for Michael Savage. He also appears frequently on national television outlets CNN, FOX, and MSNBC discussing political and military issues of the day.

With his busy, successful, career producing film and television he doesn’t do a daily show these days, but he remains in demand across America in large talk radio markets as a go to fill-in host. In particular, he’s been a beloved presence across the weekday schedule in Philadelphia on 1210-WPHT-AM since 2014. While the decidedly eastern Philly audience knows he isn’t from there, they love him anyway, and the feeling is mutual. Over the past several years he’s also been heard in Las Vegas, San Francisco, Kansas City, and Dallas.

SMOKE Magazine


Wings Of Gold



Print, Online

‘That Others May Live’: The Pararescue Units Preparing for War on Top of the World

“Out there, it is a race against the clock,” says Master Sergeant Jess Evans. “The second we are out there training with the students, we are game on, trying to get out of there as fast as we can…that wind chill factor just rips through your clothing and takes the heat away from you.

“We also have polar bears walking right by our training site, so we have a bear guard always watching.”







The Hook
